Tuesday, 9 April 2024


Hologram, Harness and Hell

“If I want, I can turn any being into a hologram,” he boasted. He believed that in previous life he had a scientific bend of mind, whatever that meant.

His friend was amused.

“And what’s a hologram?” he asked.

“It is a……it’s a device…… a technique to harness light.” He liked that word.

“Harness? You mean like harnessing a horse?”

“Yes.” He said it confidently, even though he was not sure if that was the right answer.

“But that is not allowed, I suspect.”

“Why? If we can eat ….”

“Don’t say it. We both know……. it’s totally forbidden. They will banish us if they get even an inkling of what we have been doing.”

But both of them were unaware that they were already under surveillance.

They were banished.

“What does it mean?”

“It means we go to the worst place in this blasted universe of ours.”

 “Earth? No! they can’t do this to us. It’s worse than hell!”

It was the end of their ghostly life.


A post for A to Z April Challenge

Today’s letter H


  1. Hi i b arora, oh my, I think I'm from the same place as these two as I also see Earth as a fate worse than hell. What a great tale.

    With smiles, Jenny
