Thursday, 4 April 2024


Dancing Dracula

“I’m going to teach Tipi a lesson that he will never forget,” Joy told Veer. Joy was very angry.

Tipi was the youngest boy in the class but he was a big bully. Everyone was scared of him. Joy was a strong boy, but even he was afraid of Tipi.

“What? You will fight with him? Not a good idea?” replied Veer. He was Joy’s best friend.

“No, I won’t fight. I’m thinking of something else…my uncle once told me an interesting story of his school days. He had said that he had danced like a Dracula to scare away a neighbourhood rowdy.”

“You never told me that story.”

“Let it remain a mystery.”

 Tipi’s home was situated in narrow lane that had five blind turns and, in the night, it was normally poorly lit. Joy knew that Tipi often went to buy cigarettes for his father between 8 and 8.30.  He would put on his uncle’s large black coat and cover his face with a black piece of cloth. Like his uncle he would hold a smoldering twig in his mouth and suddenly jump before Tipi when he would be walking through the lane. 

Everything happened as per his plan. But it was Joy who ran back to his home breathlessly, scared to the bone.

Many days later he reluctantly told Veer that that night he had a terrifying encounter with an unusually tall apparition dancing like a Dracula.


A post for A to Z April Challenge

Today’s letter D

You can read my earlier posts here

A  C


  1. How intriguing - I am replaying the final scene and wondering now, is there really a Dancing Dracula.
    Happy blogging, Jenny @ Pearson Report

  2. "Dancing like a Dracula." That's cute. Okay...scary...but cute wording. :)
