Sunday, 17 March 2024


First Time

None of us had ever seen a sea. It was an amazing experience, almost overwhelming. The waves were rising and rushing, one after another, eager to wash us away towards the endless expanse of blue water.

But some of us were not even looking at sea. A few were looking furtively at the people enjoying the warmth of winter sun, others stared unabashedly.

Then, two of the boys, youngest in the group, pointed to one side of the beach and silently mouthed two words. Whoever understood them ran in that direction, their eyes popping out of their heads.


Word count 99

A post for Friday Fictioneers on a picture post.

Photo prompt @ Rochelle Wisoff Fields


  1. A nice interpretation of the prompt.

  2. Were the two words "naked girls"? :)

    1. I was one of the few who didn't understand the two words, thanks for stopping by on my blog

  3. Nice story. I wonder what the two words were.

    1. I wish i could tell, thanks for commenting
