Sunday, 22 February 2015

  Photo prompt-copyright-Marie Gail Stratford

“Are you sure that this invitation is for the inhabitants of this planet? I can’t imagine why anyone would like to invite them.”

“What’s wrong with them?”

“You ought to ask, what is right with them?”

Every machine was sounding a warning signal.

“Everything seems polluted, even the minds and hearts. It’s not a place for a decent being. This invitation is a big mistake. We can’t let these people spoil our celebrations. Let’s go back. We can’t invite these people.”

“Rather we could suggest sending our renegades to this sick planet; it would be like sending them to hell.”
A post for Friday Fictioneers- picture prompt
and Two Shoes Tuesday-word prompts- invitation and imagine

Word count 100


  1. Really good story! They can't be talking about Earth - are they? Well, maybe some of it is right. Nan :)

    1. thanks for reading it and yes the aliens are talking about Earth

  2. Really gud post! Earth is indeed becoming so dirty that any other planet's inhabitants will turn away far from this blue-planet-turning-black... :(

  3. No no we are not that bad.. Please write a happy ending part II for this.. we still have hope.. I want to believe that.. will look for your next post..

    Soulful: To Chaya Mam

    1. nice to be optimistic, thanks for reading the post

  4. And yet I hear hopping aboard a Vogon ship can be a great way to Hitchhike around the galaxy. Best of luck on your adventures in other reaches of the celestial seas!


  5. I'm pretty sure that you are right.. Aliens would turn their back against us...

  6. This was very intriguing! I often wonder what outsiders would think of the way we inhabitants of earth behave. I do hope they would also see some good in the world, there is love and caring if we take the time to seek it. I am hoping that one day we will see peace and people working together for the betterment of all. Great story for Two Shoes Tuesday, thanks! :-)

  7. Like the story. It would be nice to think it is purely fiction, but I see some fact in it.

  8. We sure are ugly people who once lived on a beautiful planet but that won't last long. No doubt we will find somewhere else to destroy.

    1. thanks Old Egg, i sometimes wonder how and where it will end.
