Sunday 3 July 2016

The Trick
The castle was, to their shock and surprise, totally deserted.
‘Something is wrong?’ said Raj.
‘I thought it was a historical place and many tourists came here.’
Now they weren’t inclined to explore the castle.
‘How did you dare to come here?’
The two friends were stunned when they heard these words for there was no one around. And then they saw a scarecrow leaning over the wall of the courtyard. The boys felt nervous.
‘I think I saw this scarecrow down there in the valley; how could it come up here?’ Raj whispered.
‘It is a trick,’ his friend replied.
‘You think it’s a trick but you are mistaken.’ The boys felt the scarecrow had said these words. ‘Now you are trapped in this cursed castle and only I can help you.’
The two boys lost their courage and ran for their lives.
A seedy looking man jumped over the wall and picked up the bag which one of the boys had dropped. The boy was too scared to retrieve it.
‘It always works; this fear.’  

The seedy looking man smiled at the scarecrow.
A post for Flash Fictionfor Aspiring Writers on a picture prompt

Word count 185


  1. lol fooling kids can be fun

  2. Very interesting! The seedy looking man is using the scarecrow (and fear) as a means to rob his victims! Fear, sorry to say, is a way to get what you want. Great story!

  3. Well done! I took one look at this week's picture and my mind went blank! Great yarn.

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